Teen Counseling Pleasanton


Teen Counseling Pleasanton

How Does Teen Counseling Work?

Adolescence is a challenging period of transition between childhood dependence and adult independence. From our teen counseling experience, during this period teens begin to separate from their primary caregivers and connect more with their peers.  In addition, they also begin to develop their own separate identity by trying out new behaviors, acquiring new experiences, and making their own decisions.  During this time teens often talk less with their parents about the issues with which they struggle such as sex, chemical use, body issues, and conflicts with peers or love relationships.  To avoid embarrassment or parental displeasure, they will seek the answers to these questions from any source (peers, social media, the Associateet).

Teen counseling Pleasanton

Therapy2Thrive® provides a safe teen counseling place to ask their questions, sort through the issues, find ways to stand up to peer pressure, develop decision-making skills, and keep the lines of communication open between parent and teen.  Our goal is to intervene before worrisome signs of behavior become serious problems.  Teen counseling at Therapy2Thrive® supports the prevention of later difficulties by helping to keep teens focused on personal growth, achievement and the creation of their own personal happiness. Therapy2Thrive® works with teens to support their development of themselves while still maintaining their relationship to their families.

Teen counselor in Pleasanton

Worrisome signs that a teen may be experiencing difficulty with challenging situations are –

  • Acting-Out Behaviors:
    Chemical use – Sneaking – Lying – Anger outbursts – Non-compliance – Defiance
  • Associatealized Behaviors:
    Anxiety and fears – Crying and sadness – Withdrawal from peers – Isolating from family members
  • Challenging Situations:
    Separation or divorce of parents – New school – Grief or loss of pet or loved one – Peer conflicts, bullying, cyber bullying – Questioning their sexuality – Academic pressures – Self harm (suicidal thoughts, cutting) – Trauma abuse, date rape, assault


Through teen counseling, Therapy2Thrive® Pleasanton helps teens make progress towards these important developmental markers…

  • Understanding rules, boundaries and responsibilities
  • Making and keeping healthy friendships
  • Navigating social media in a responsible and safe way
  • Building decision-making skills versus impulsive choices in the moment
  • Connecting with their strengths and learning their weaknesses
  • Developing future goals along with the steps to achieve them
  • Finding areas of interest and passion and the promotion of self-esteem


Teen issues and teen counseling in Pleasanton

Pleasanton Teen Counseling at Therapy2Thrive® brings Hope for Healing

Our teen counselors in Pleasanton at Therapy2Thrive® provide compassionate, practical, and evidenced based practices to assist your teen in a therapeutic process to meet your goals and find hope to heal the challenges your teens are facing.